About this blog

I originally created this blog in the early Fall of 2021, so that our family and friends could follow our expat adventures as we established residency in an Italian comune in order that I could apply for recognition of my Italian citizenship via descent (that’s jure sanguinis, for the Latin-speaking folk).

My husband and I were aware that the recognition process could take anywhere from two or three months to a year or more, and planned our lives accordingly.  Much to our surprise, I was recognized considerably more quickly; my experience was absolutely not typical in that regard. 

Based on a number of factors, we decided to stay on in Italy, experiencing small-town Italian life while also taking time to travel and explore several of the twenty regions of Italy, each unique and beautiful in its own way.

This blog describes a mixture of the Italian citizenship process and our travel experiences.

For an introduction to dual Italian citizenship (and to jump to the first blog post), click here.

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